2012 » Papers » Volume 1 » IMPLEMENTATION OF INFORMAL E- LEARNING METHODS OF TEACHING AND TEACHING PROCESSES 1. IMPLEMENTATION OF INFORMAL E- LEARNING METHODS OF TEACHING AND TEACHING PROCESSES Authors: Radosavljevic Vitomir, Pevac Danka Volume 1 | DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-12-087 | Pages: 544-549 | Download PDF | Abstract
In this piece the concept of implementation of informal learning methods and principles of teaching is presented, which can be implemented within e-learning teaching materials. The area which is covered in this piece is in its beginning phase and data given here are presenting a good base for further theoretical researches and practical projects. There has been given an overview of main characteristics of formal, non-formal and informal teaching methodes. The expected results of the implementation of informal methods, as well as possible ways of realization of certain methods, have been described. Vill@ge project, T-learning (learning via digital television), M-learning (learning using mobile phones) are some realisation methodes of informal learning methodes described in this paper. An overview of formal methods and principles is given which are currently used in the e-learning process. Advantages of using those informal methods have been described together with the potential drawbacks which may occur in the process of their implementation. A stress has been set on the use of literary methods and on their possible implementation in e-learning teaching materials. An example is given on how to use this literary method which is a type of informal method of learning. A chapter of a lesson used in a course named multimedia graphics is presented in the paper. The chapter is presented in a informal literary maner. At the end of the paper there are given some conclusions and potentional ways of using literaly method as a way of informal method of learning in e-learning process and enviroment. | Keywords
: e-learning, informal methods, education, non-formal leraning |