2012 » Papers » Volume 1 » New Ways to present the Information in the Teaching Activity 1. NEW WAYS TO PRESENT THE INFORMATION IN THE TEACHING ACTIVITY Authors: Chicioreanu Teodora, Oproiu Gabriela Carmen Volume 1 | DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-12-014 | Pages: 90-95 | Download PDF | Abstract
In the context of an information society with an accelerated dynamics, special attention must be granted to the teacher training, so as to meet the requirements that the new technologies introduce into the teaching activity. The teaching staff training as regards the use of new technologies in the classroom is an immense challenge for them who must, in their turns, adapt to the evolution of technique and technology and acquire new skills and competencies.
Thus, the way the teachers prepare the pupils-students to deal with the changing world, a world completely different from the one the teachers themselves were educated in, becomes extremely important.
In the educational process, the teachers who want to keep themselves updated with the news within their own professional fields cannot stay outside the new WEB 2.0 technologies facilitating the access to information.
In this paper, a comparative study is performed regarding the new ways of delivering the information by using presentations such as PowerPoint – Prezi–Voicethread. Furthermore, the requirements that a presentation must meet in order for it to be successful and have a maximum impact on the audience are also shown.
Prezi is a tool able to easily replace the classical presentations, an application combining the creative thinking with the facilities of modern technology, which leads to interactive and highly customised presentations, structured approximately like a mind map (zoom puzzles).
Voice Thread can integrate comments and other multimedia effects in the presentation, thus creating an original application. It is a suitable medium for the pupils and students who do not have advanced ITC competences, where they can interact on-line to create highly impressing virtual portfolios.
All these facilities, but also the integration of this technology within other web 2.0 technologies; this is what the paper hereafter will be dealing with. | Keywords
education, Prezi, VoiceThread, PowerPoint, web2.0 |