2014 » Papers » Volume 1 » The stereotypes' role in creating an image: portraying the Romanian video gamer 1. THE STEREOTYPES' ROLE IN CREATING AN IMAGE: PORTRAYING THE ROMANIAN VIDEO GAMER Authors: Constantin Valentina-Daniela, Stoenescu Roxana Denisa, Popescu Manoela Volume 1 | DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-14-047 | Pages: 324-331 | Download PDF | Abstract
Games play a significant role in every aspect of human life by offering social interaction and entertainment. Serious games give user the possibility not only to experience situations that in real life are impossible but also to develop and improve skills. Learning is a major objective of serious games, also encountered in many video games, usually accompanying the entertainment function. In the last decade, gaming has become a profitable industry, targeting consumers all over the world. Nevertheless, little is known about Romanian gamers. The present study examines the demographic and psychographic characteristics of Romanian gamers, using a quantitative research employed among subjects aged 18 to 35 years. The purpose is to highlight the attributes that differentiate Romanian gamers from others, especially American and also to examine if there are common features between the communities of gamers. Therefore, the study aims to create a complete profile, based on essential variables that can validate the main hypothesis, Romanian gamers fit into the global trend in terms of demographics and lifestyle. Additionally, the study explores the stereotypes created around gamers, in order to identify the characteristics which conducted to the appearance of clich?s, the goal being to investigate the degree of truth involved by the matter. The article intends to portray the Romanian gamer in order to bring to light a market segment not well addressed. The main findings reveal interesting conclusions about aspects such as gender, intellect, lifestyle and some unique characteristics that distinguish Romanians from other gamers. Moreover, the surprising results answer a few key questions about game consumers and they may represent a starting point for future studies regarding Romanian gamers. | Keywords
serious games; video games; Romanian gamer; lifestyle; profile; stereotypes. |