2014 » Papers » Volume 2 » USE OF NEW TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION 1. USE OF NEW TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION Authors: Todoran Gyorgy, Suciu George, Militaru Traian-Lucian, Vulpe Alexandru Volume 2 | DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-14-135 | Pages: 518-522 | Download PDF | Abstract
New technologies like Cloud Computing and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), the new trend in using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), are creating opportunities in the field of education, especially e-learning, distant learning and may enhance traditional learning to. In this article we are studying some of the opportunities opened by these technologies. Opportunities like the possibility of assessing the knowledge of the students before enrolling or starting a specialization or a specific module, personalization of curricula for every student, real time checking if the information was learned by the student after he or she finished part of the curricula. The use of mobile devices can offer relevant information's about the students whereabouts, allowing the supervision of them. This way it can be checked if the students are taking part in mandatory activities like conferences, courses or if they complete the tasks assigned to them. This tasks can include laboratory activities, mentoring sessions, internships or other specific activities. We also take in consideration some of the risks that could rise due to the use of these technologies. These risks include, between others, aspects like the identity of the student that executes a specific task or takes an exam, the possible use of automation software to simulate the attendance at learning modules, unauthorized access to confidential materials, the verification of the identity of the examined person, possibility of cheating by duplicating solutions or answers, possible use of external help at tests or possible other risks. We also propose and test some means to eliminate some or all of the presented risks. | Keywords
eLearning; Learning; BYOD; Cloud Computing |