Teaching trip, as organizational form of teaching, is situated at the border between formal and non-formal education. An adequate teaching scenario for a teaching trip can definitely place this activity in the field of formal education. In educational terms, non-formal educational trip shade make it an attractive, dynamic and consistent activity, strongly influenced by technical memo elements, which combines intuitive scientific argument, rigorously and systematically. The paper aims to implement in a unitary teaching scenario, attractive and spectacular elements specific to the educational trip with the ones of formal teaching, leading to a logical project of educational software, which constitutes a turning point in the designing learning programs. Teaching scenario for the learning program allow the student, intuitive initially, to approach scientific context of the lesson, afterwards using traditional teaching methods and procedures, as exposure, demonstration, explanation, it to be presented the lesson included Sciences, systematically and organized. Learning program creates a virtual scientific space and allows the student to explore and discover new content elements in a logical and intuitive context. Prospective manner places the student at the center of cognitive context, maintaining and feeding their interest to scientific content. The logical sequence of content elements generates a visual slide show in lesson scientific virtual space. This script element of didactic scenario is inspired by the trip didactic. The teacher, who intervenes with rigorous explanations backed with arguments as audio, video or text format, is the student guide in the virtual space of lesson. A rebound in similar contextual frame offers the possibility of implementation, in learning program, to sequential feedback and formative assessment. New manner of learning programs design, presented in the paper, allow sensible removal of student-centered instruction paradigm and near to the resource-based learning paradigm. |
teaching trip, non-formal education, logical project, educational software, resource-based, learning paradigm |