2014 » Papers » Volume 2 » Developing Blended Learning Program for Teacher Training Department 1. DEVELOPING BLENDED LEARNING PROGRAM FOR TEACHER TRAINING DEPARTMENT Authors: Adascalitei Adrian, Rusu Ioan, Cucos Constantin Volume 2 | DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-14-054 | Pages: 11-16 | Download PDF | Abstract
This case study evaluates the challenges encountered in the Blended Learning development using a Virtual Learning Environment in two universities in the city of Ia?i-Romania: the Technical ,,Gheorghe Asachi" (http://moodle.ee.tuiasi.ro/ )and ,,Al. I. Cuza" Universities of Ia?i (http://www.moodle.ro/uaic/). The paper examines a variety of determinants that influence technology acceptance and successful implementation of the VLE in the educational field. The study begins with an examination of Moodle Virtual Learning Environment, which can provide course materials such as handouts, lecture notes and PowerPoint presentations to the students. Moodle can be used in more interactive ways, which require input from the students. Such as discussion forums, chat rooms, quizzes and assignment drop boxes. There are analyzed the technological factors influencing technology adoption including issues surrounding acquisition, management and support of a VLE in secondary and high schools. We explore teacher level factors of Moodle VLE acceptance and how teacher attitudes to such platform are developed. The findings show that there are specific technological, teacher level and school level factors influencing Moodle acceptance. They also show that teacher attitudes to the implementation of the Moodle in the school are tied to their attitudes and responses to national objectives in education and national strategies for reshaping learning. Although the number of distance courses has risen significantly over the last years, mixed modes of delivery, with face-to-face settings supported by online tools, remain the dominant form of online learning. There is clearly a need in the literature for greater exploration of flexible modes of learning, including e-tools, especially when teaching computational skills to engineering and university students. Moodle logs and statistics were examined along with documentation relating to this VLE. | Keywords
blended learning, e-learning designs, teacher education, managed learning environments, virtual learning environment, moodle |