2014 » Papers » Volume 2 » A Curriculum Development Model for Fostering Collaborative Learning in the Process of Student Teacher Training on ICT Use in Education 1. A CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT MODEL FOR FOSTERING COLLABORATIVE LEARNING IN THE PROCESS OF STUDENT TEACHER TRAINING ON ICT USE IN EDUCATION Authors: Chihaia Diana, Cretu Carmen Volume 2 | DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-14-062 | Pages: 59-66 | Download PDF | Abstract
In the context of the continuous development of technology, which nowadays has a ubiquitous character, innovative strategies involving ICT in education require new frameworks and curriculum development models. Even though these new models might be based on a solid theoretical background, by considering the advantages of technology and its metamorphose from technology - the instrument into technology - the method or technology - the medium, different approaches extend the classical views on curriculum development through providing a dynamic perspective: not only focusing on content and results but on the process and on discovery.
Part of an action research, combining qualitative and quantitative methods as well, the experimental study presented in this paper was designed and implemented by considering the above mentioned dynamic perspective in the context of student teacher training in "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Ia?i (UAIC), Romania. The aim of the study was to identify the factors influencing the emergence of collaborative learning in virtual environment (given our students' low level of knowledge in using ICT) and which of these factors are increasing the potential of collaboration in the process of learning how to use ICT in education.
The results corroborate our hypothesis by highlighting that the frequency of collaborative technologies usage during learning process influences the perception on the level of team work and the occurrence of team cohesion. Also, the technology and the social presence of the team members influence positively the team's adaptation to the technology features.
The conclusions of the present experimental study contributed in the final stage of suggesting a curriculum development model with eight dimensions. This model might support teachers/ professors/ trainers to infuse the training on how to use ICT in all subjects they teach. Moreover, it might overcome the digital skills gap caused by discontinuous use of ICT in education during the last three decades or by digital divide. | Keywords
collaborative learning, curriculum development, teacher training |