2014 » Papers » Volume 2 » An Intelligent Tutoring System for Tutoring the Computers Programming and C Language Discipline 1. AN INTELLIGENT TUTORING SYSTEM FOR TUTORING THE COMPUTERS PROGRAMMING AND C LANGUAGE DISCIPLINE Authors: Dobre Iuliana Volume 2 | DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-14-075 | Pages: 142-149 | Download PDF | Abstract
Currently, in the context in which the activities from all domains are in a closed interdependence with the instructional activity and in which the courses can't be anymore carried out exclusively in the traditional ways, the use of the computer has become an essential and mandatory requirement for all levels of education and for all parties involved. This stage of the educational process evolution has been named the age of the Computer Assisted Instruction. Since this age started, many companies, researchers, specialists and teachers have involved themselves in the design, development and implementation of new systems, software, tools, methods and methodologies capable to answer to the highest standards applicable in education of all grades and also, capable, to offer a very friendly environment for instruction satisfying in the same time the effectiveness requirements. One of the goals followed and also, achieved, was the use of the Computer Assisted Instruction within the Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS).
This paper is presenting an ITS developed by the author and designed using Natural Language Processing technologies, a system which is capable to assist the students who are looking to achieve and understand elements and aspects related to the Computers Programming and C language discipline. Also, in the article are described and exemplified the functionalities of the system proposed and are presented the steps that a student has to follow from the very beginning (enrolling stage) up to the end of the instruction (visualization of performances achieved). Moreover, in this paper are briefly reviewed the facilities offered by the system to the instructor in terms of the students evolution visualization, assistance and follow up during the instructional process. | Keywords
Computer Assisted Instruction, Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Natural Language Processing |