2014 » Papers » Volume 2 » Using Competency Assessment Tool (CAT) for analyzing the feedback process in higher education. 1. USING COMPETENCY ASSESSMENT TOOL (CAT) FOR ANALYZING THE FEEDBACK PROCESS IN HIGHER EDUCATION. Authors: Ion Georgeta, Cano Elena, Fernandez Ferrer Maite Volume 2 | DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-14-089 | Pages: 238-242 | Download PDF | Abstract
Although there is much literature on the use of blogs as a teaching-learning activity (Churchill, 2011), there is less literature on blogs as a student assessment tool. The feedback relates to assessment and highlights its usefulness both for those who receive and those who offer it, specifically providing students with collaborative skills to assess from a critical perspective the work of others (Nicol & MacFarlane - Dick, 2006; Boud & Molloy, 2013).
The present study aims to analyze an innovation in the teaching-learning process and assessment, through the use of a platform (developed in-house), called the Competency Assessment Tool -CAT, which allows the tracking of student blogs with the aim of improving self-reflective processes and providing feedback.
This paper, first of all, presents the innovative experience based on the CAT platform, implemented in four universities in Catalonia and in six different subjects. Secondly, the results of the research carried out in the same context will be presented with the aim of analyzing this experience and hence, propose future improvements.
The innovative experience presented here forms part of the research project: "Educational assessment of competencies using blogs" (REDICE Project 2012-1802-01, funded by the University of Barcelona), which was carried out during the 2012-13 academic course in various university subjects in several Catalonian universities.
A mixed methodology was implemented for the evaluation of the experience (quantitative and qualitative). Accordingly, the following methods and tools were used for data collection: a) Analysis of the feedback provided by tutors; b) Student questionnaires and c) Tutor questionnaires.
This experience has highlighted the need to promote the collaborative learning dimension through the use of the tool (CAT). Students have valued in a very positive way not only the comments received by peers about their own work, but also the possibility to access what peers wrote in their blogs. They value the possibility to know what others are doing and to be valued by peers, which undoubtedly offers a collaborative learning scenario that reinforces the value of a shared learning process and a built-in learning community. | Keywords
Feedback, e-learning, blogs |