We define an opened educational space, as a context of scientific content that can be associated with different approaches, at several disciplines. The opened educational space is used as an integrative and unifier auxiliary teaching, for various disciplines in the curriculum and it allows increasing and accelerating the formation of transversal skills. The opened educational space is a digital auxiliary teaching, with educational valences specific of learning programs. It implements in different and unitary teaching scenarios, the elements of scientific content specific to a discipline, in a real situational context, intuitive, common to several disciplines. This manner of design, outlines the characteristics of a transdisciplinary educational software. The teaching scenario for the learning program, afferent to each discipline, allows to the student to approach scientific context of the lesson in an interdisciplinary context, without affecting the rigor and consistency of approach monodiciplinare. In this way, it creates a scientific context that allows students to explore and discover new elements of scientific content in an interdisciplinary context, logical and intuitive. The student is placed in the center of the cognitive context. The manner of approach maintains and supplies its interest to the approached scientific content. In this way, it outlines skills that enable the student to adapt to the dynamics and complexity of reality, in the diversity of contexts in which the reality is manifested. There are also targeted, professional or extra-professional skills, schoolar or extracurricular skills, formal or non-formal, local or global, familiar or unfamiliar skills. The knowledge system, the abilities, the habits, the formed and attitudes skills, "cross" the professional or different disciplinary fields, being present in each of them, but being specific to neither of them. These are the defining characteristics for transversal skills. This manner of designing the training process allows the teacher a concentration of resources in the direction of rising the formation, internal and external components of the involved skills. It is noticed a sensitive and visible nearness by the resource-based learning paradigm, through the integrating and unifying character of their exploitation. |
opened educational space, opened educational content, transversal competences, educational software, resource-based, learning paradigm |