2014 » Papers » Volume 3 » PROJECT BASED COLLABORATIVE LEARNING FOR ADULT EDUCATION 1. PROJECT BASED COLLABORATIVE LEARNING FOR ADULT EDUCATION Authors: Muresan Mihaela Volume 3 | DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-14-187 | Pages: 303-309 | Download PDF | Abstract
The paper is aimed at emphasizing the role of the project based learning using collaborative web environments. The research is based on the implementation of both andragogy and cybergogy paradigms in a specific learning context. The project based learning has been identified as an appropriate method for the adult education and for valorizing the web tools facilities. Besides fostering cooperation and active learning, project-based learning methods facilitate creative and innovative approaches in solving problems and using knowledge in a concrete environment. The appropriateness of the method for the adult education, according to the principles of the andragogy, as well as the synergy with the cybergogy principles has been also revealed. The project based learning, as a collaborative method, has been applied in adult education, as a pilot research implemented at the ICT discipline, within the framework of a bachelor program, organised in the Faculty of Education Sciences in a private university. The intense use of the web space and tools for collaborative work has been also emphasized. The methodological approach encompasses desk research, implementation of new learning methods, direct observations of the learning process, organization of a survey for analyzing the participants' feedback in relation with the innovative approach and the identification of the strong and weak points of the project based learning using collaborative web tools. In addition, the contribution of the new methodological approach to the development of the students' transversal competences has been also emphasized in direct connection with the increased graduates' employability. Thus, the paper summarizes the results of the research activities carried out during the educational process and presents the outcomes resulting from the implementation of the pilot module integrating project based learning and collaborative web tools, focusing on the students' perspectives about the advantages of the whole process. | Keywords
project based learning, web collaborative learning, cybergogy, andragogy, computer- and web-supported learning |