2014 » Papers » Volume 3 » Life-long learning based on self improvement blogs 1. LIFE-LONG LEARNING BASED ON SELF IMPROVEMENT BLOGS Authors: Henter Ramona Volume 3 | DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-14-176 | Pages: 230-235 | Download PDF | Abstract
As life-long learning has become a reality of our lives, people try to find new ways of learning, without any major interference in their everyday life. Also, nowadays people explore new ways of training, from self-teaching to MOOCs, as a modern alternative for the classical library. As it is much easier to publish a manuscript on-line, thus being reduced the difficulties of working with a publishing house, there is a new wave of authors whose books you can order only as an e-book or, even easier, as a pdf document. They attract much of their clients with blogs where from sometimes you can download these books for free. Also, some send free newsletters on certain topics, related to those referred to in larger volumes. Although some may regard these products as unreliable, their public is larger than one would consider at a first glance. We tried to identify some of such authors and their blogs and electronic books in order to analyze them, establish their main topics and the public they write for. We tried to find out their background, as a foundation for what they offer in the virtual learning area. We also investigated internet users' opinion about the most visited blogs and the products offered by their owners. Another key point was the age of those interested in improving certain aspects of their personal or professional lives by using blogs or other on-line materials. The paper ends with a discussion about what makes a blog more attractive and more appealing and its readers to come back again and again to it. | Keywords
blogs, on-line learning, self-improvement |