2014 » Papers » Volume 3 » Supporting Activities for Online Teaching Professional Development: Findings from a Research 1. SUPPORTING ACTIVITIES FOR ONLINE TEACHING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: FINDINGS FROM A RESEARCH Authors: Sangra Albert, Gonzalez-Sanmamed Mercedes, Guardia Lourdes Volume 3 | DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-14-193 | Pages: 344-348 | Download PDF | Abstract
The current European Higher Education Area (EHEA) is fostering the development and implementation of a teaching and learning model in which teaching roles are being challenged and shifted.
Beyond the fact competence-based design for programs is the core issue concerning this new scenario, it is also true that the use of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) could be considered as a driver for this change, and a helpful ally for teachers to better develop their role in this context. Online or blended programs are the most significant way in which most of the universities are facing this situation, even if their aims are two fold: to increase the number of students and to adapt themselves to the new methodological approaches in an easiest way.
To handle online teaching, no matter if the delivery is going to be blended or fully online, teachers should have a number of specific competences as the current research literature states. These specific competences should be achieved through training and experience, so different programs have been put into practice to increase the capacity of teachers to become good online teachers too.
Online education has been growing in Spain in the last decade as some studies have concluded. However the perception teachers are not being taught to face properly this important shift is around. Given this, a group of Spanish researchers from different universities considered the need of identifying which is the support for and the provision of online teaching professional development in Spain, and a research project was carried out. The project was partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education.
A qualitative approach was the basis of the research design. Data from the whole set of Spanish universities (77) was collected through two main instruments: a) A full analysis of the existing information shown in each university website; and b) An in-depth interview with the university responsible for teacher's professional development units. Later on, analysis of data was carried out by the group of researchers who led the project.
The main findings of the research show which the current situation is regarding the provision and support for online teaching professional development, as well as for the use of ICT in their regular classrooms: main characteristics of the training provision and future needs for online teaching professional development. The study also points out on some limitations and perspectives. In addition, the research has also identified some recommendations and future issues that should be taken into consideration. | Keywords
online teaching, professional development, ICT, teachers' training, e-learning, supporting activities |