The University of Bucharest has been actively contributing to the development and modernization of Romanian education, science and culture. A brief chronological history is presented on the official site (http://www.unibuc.ro/e/n/despre/History.php). The important milestone was the moment when Prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza decided to bring together the Faculties of Law, Sciences and Letters under the umbrella of a single institution and signed the Decree of Creation (decree no. 756 of 4/16 July 1864) of the University of Bucharest.
During 2014, the University of Bucharest will celebrate 150 years of existence.
During 1994 - 1999, University of Bucharest was included in the project "Phare Multi-Country Programme for Distance Education", aimed at creating a network of 40 Centres of Studies IDD (CSIDD) in 11 countries of Central and Eastern . By Order no. 3289 of 02.19.1998 of the Minister of National Education, the CSIDD centers, their managers, and their affiliation with European Training Foundation (ETF) in Turin, were recognized by the Ministry of National Education.
Based on the University of Bucharest Senate's Decision(May 1999), the CSIDD together with other centres already established within international financed projects (CTI Pilot Centre, REDEC, EDUCO) were brought together and named the Department for Distance Learning (acronym CREDIS). CREDIS was created to focus on Distance Learning, lifelong learning and professional conversion.
During 2014, will celebrate 15 years of existence.
This paper is aiming to present, in details, the Google Apps implementation for CREDIS; the objective was to implement a free LMS with high performance, able to allow future developments, in agreement with the world wide trends in HE. The main idea was to implement and to run a free LMS with high performance, able to allow future developments, in agreement with the world wide trends in HE (ONLINE, MOOC).
The authors and the CREDIS Team, declare this project as one of their contributions to the 150th anniversary of UB |