2014 » Papers » Volume 3 » Providing technology support for project-based learning 1. PROVIDING TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT FOR PROJECT-BASED LEARNING Authors: Hartescu Ioana Volume 3 | DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-14-175 | Pages: 223-229 | Download PDF | Abstract
This research investigates the ways in which an e-learning platform supported project-based learning in a master's course of instructional design. Project-based learning is a strategy that engages students in solving authentic problems by creating artefacts collaboratively. In the case reported, the students were engaged in a semester long project which involved working in teams of 3 to 6 persons to create short online courses for external organizations acting as clients. The process went from analysis and design, to development and final presentations to the "clients" to obtain feedback. The course included weekly face to face meetings, and an e-learning platform was also used to support the process. The main research question focuses on the way the technological tools were used in the particular context of the learning strategy used, what features supported best, and least, the problem-based learning strategy, and what types of adjustments or modifications should be made to improve the learning support the students are receiving. The data is derived from the students' comments expressed in interviews, focus groups and questionnaires, as well as the lecturer's own observation. The goal is to define methodological guidelines for the lecturer and functional requirements for the mix of tools, including the e-learning platform, which will contribute to the successful implementation of project-based learning in similar contexts. The results point towards the need to be flexible in the choice and usage of the tools and to avoid technologically overloading the students. More specific recommendations are also presented and discussed, as well as further avenues for research. | Keywords
project-based learning, technology-enhanced learning |