2014 » Papers » Volume 4 » COMPUTER MODELING OF JUNIOR SWIMMERS TRAINING 1. COMPUTER MODELING OF JUNIOR SWIMMERS TRAINING Authors: Vasile Luciela, Stanescu Monica Volume 4 | DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-14-266 | Pages: 241-247 | Download PDF | Abstract
Sport training is one of the main applications of computer science in sport. The benefits of computer use can be observed in the training programs of athletes, as they are reflected by the optimization of results.
In swimming, the sport discipline where specific training, in water, must be permanently completed and linked with nonspecific dry-land training of swimmers, computer training has become a constant. Considering the unstable support of water and, thus, lacking strong support paddle, dry-land exercises are strongly required. It is very important to follow the motion stereotype of swimming movements, which is possible with an ergometer workout program (WEBA Swim model). Computerized environment destined to improve the motor process is eminently appropriate to the performance sports sector. It's well known that combining new technologies with learning skills can refine during the time all athletes' abilities.
Considering these premises, this paper highlights the importance of modeling certain sets of exercises on a computerized training machine. More specifically, we analyze the possibility of transferring particular aspects of certain motor structures from the fluid environment onto dry-land. We assessed, by experimental study, the results of seven (7) junior swimmers after some specific modeling of dry-land training sets: basic endurance - marathon and Fartlek (core strength), threshold endurance (anaerobic threshold resistance), overload endurance (lactate tolerance), Australian heart-rate repeats (individualized repetitions increasing from iteration to another the heart rate).
Along with the effects on physical training there were also significant aspects related to the satisfaction of athletes using such devices and the results of their use in the motivation to carry out the workout program. | Keywords
swimming, dry-land training, simulator |