2014 » Papers » Volume 4 » Enhancing technical accuracy in high-level aerobic gymnastics by means of MVN motion capture systems 1. ENHANCING TECHNICAL ACCURACY IN HIGH-LEVEL AEROBIC GYMNASTICS BY MEANS OF MVN MOTION CAPTURE SYSTEMS Authors: Bota Aura, Mezei Mariana, Bidiugan Radu Volume 4 | DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-14-245 | Pages: 112-118 | Download PDF | Abstract
Enhancing technical accuracy in high-level aerobic gymnastics by means of MVN motion capture systems
Prof.univ.dr. Aura Bota -UNEFS Bucuresti
Prof. Mariana Mezei - CS UNEFS Bucuresti
Prof. Radu Bidiugan- INCS
In the last years detailed analysis of sportive technique has increasingly required sophisticated equipment/technology, especially the computer-assisted devices, useful in helping professionals enhance the technical and physical training of their athletes.
This paper presents elements from a pilot study which is designed to test an Xsens MVN Motion Capture equipment in order to emphasize the kinematic characteristics of certain technical elements included in the high-level aerobic gymnastics content. This device is based on the inertial navigation technology, whose basic element is represented by the MEMS-IMU inertial navigation unit. These miniature units contain three accelerometers, three gyroscopes and three magnetic sensors, for each 3D space axes.
This system allows collecting data concerning the velocity, orientation, rotation and gravitational forces exerted by 23 body segments in real training conditions, with full freedom of movement, as there are no cameras used in this device. Xsens MVN produces clean and smooth data that saves up to 80% of post-processing time.
The study was conducted on the 8 subject Romania's senior aerobic gymnastics team, in the context of raising the technical elements' execution score in future competitions, so that they can preserve the world top position held in the last 10 years.
Data collected facilitate an accurate skill analysis, as well as the detection of some execution errors in group C of technical elements -Jumps. At the same time the MVN Studio shows a real-time visualization on screen, so that the coaches get a clear image of the technical performance on the spot, as well as the gymnasts themselves who use this visual feed-back to enhance the input required in neuro-muscular control of the performed elements. | Keywords
technical training, motion capture systems, kinematic characteristics, aerobic gymnastics |