2014 » Papers » Volume 4 » E-LEARNING FOR TEXTILE DEFECTS ANALYSIS 1. E-LEARNING FOR TEXTILE DEFECTS ANALYSIS Authors: Niculescu Marilena, Radulescu Ion-Razvan, Visileanu Emilia, Surdu Lilioara, Guimaraes Francisco Volume 4 | DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-14-287 | Pages: 364-368 | Download PDF | Abstract
In order to achieve a teaching process with good performance indicators, for an optimal insertion into the socio-professional environment of the learners, it is necessary a stimulating instructional environment. Recent developments in the field of communication and information technologies have changed essential needs both in terms of acquiring knowledge and capacity to respond to them and the way they are offered as study programs to the educational institutions. The main change relates to the supply of education centered on student needs, which places him in the center of the educational process.
This paper presents in its first part some considerations about the e-learning technologies (common administrative tools for e-learning, software used for distance learning) and in the second part it refers to the content adequacy of a textile course, based on modern methods of teaching, so to enrich the methodological tools of the teacher and ensure sustainable acquisitions.
An e-learning course for Skills Development in Textile Defects Analysis was developed, sustained by the Leonardo da Vinci Programme from seven European countries, included Romania. The e-learning course is intended for textile workers, unemployed textile workers and students.
The development of this project offered essential, specialized information referring to the products and processes in the textile industry and to the ways to rapidly identify textile defects. On the other hand, the use of audio-visual aids, photographs, multimedia graphs, comparative methods had contributed to the increase of attractiveness of the course and to a better identification and classification of defects in textiles products. So, the person who learns obtains knowledge, and on another side he forms those abilities that are needed to practicing. | Keywords
defects, textiles, skills |