2014 » Papers » Volume 4 » Software application for textile invasive device used in advanced medicine 1. SOFTWARE APPLICATION FOR TEXTILE INVASIVE DEVICE USED IN ADVANCED MEDICINE Authors: Aileni Raluca Maria, Ene Alexandra, Suciu George, Mihai Carmen Volume 4 | DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-14-269 | Pages: 259-262 | Download PDF | Abstract
This paper presents a software application designed to solve the complex mathematical formulas applied to describe the parameters for textile medical devices used for invasive interventions. The fluid flow mathematical parameters will be used for obtaining an adaptive 3D model for fluid dynamic simulation in the human vessels. The objectives are to define all parameters involved in the process and model the 3D textile structure suitable for use as medical invasive device to replace the damaged blood vessels. The modeling starts from the assumption that the arteries have a perfect tubular structure. For the simulation we considered the ideal fluid (flow occurs at low pressure differences) with constant parameters. For description of the fluid flow through cardiovascular implants, there are extremely few mathematical models that can be applied, because hemodynamic parameters that characterize fluid (density, viscosity, pressure, speed of movement, flow) and blood vessels (diameter, elasticity, compliance) varies due to regulatory mechanisms of the body. The algorithm programming application was done by using FORTRAN programming subroutines and the advantages of computing power is employed by using a hybrid Cloud Grid Network solutions. The reason of using Grid is that Grid is suited for applications with parallel data computing that require many simultaneous independent calculations like formulas based of Bessel functions and different type of integrals. This software application is used to solve the problem of the calculation of the complex parameters that are used in the medical textile product modeling. This modeling is necessary before creating the real 3D artificial arteries prototypes. The goal of this software application is to facilitate the necessary structural modeling of textile parameters for complex invasive medical use. | Keywords
3D, simulation, textile, medical, arteries, biofluid, flow,model,software,Grid, Cloud |