2014 » Papers » Volume 4 » Building a global database for the disabled people by means of mobile devices 1. BUILDING A GLOBAL DATABASE FOR THE DISABLED PEOPLE BY MEANS OF MOBILE DEVICES Authors: Predescu Corina, Bota Aura, Kiss Katharina Volume 4 | DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-14-257 | Pages: 183-188 | Download PDF | Abstract
This study is part of the Special Olympics Healthy Communities project, entitled ,,Close the referral loop", carried out in partnership with Vodafone Romania Foundation, financed through Mobile4Good program.
This project seeks to build on a unique global database and move onwards from data gathering to using the current data to empower athletes and their families to transform their health outcomes through self-advocacy and informed management of their own health through Athletes Personal Health Records with two-way interactivity with athletes' mobile devices.
If an athlete has a referral recommended at a Healthy Athletes screening event, details of the referral are automatically recorded in the athlete's health record. In this context, the athlete's mobile phone is used to alert athletes that a medical referral has been recommended. To be inclusive for all Special Olympics athletes the mobile health solution needs to be available on the common mobile devices on the standard operating systems of mobile phone and tablets including Android, Symbian, Windows Mobile, iPhone and iPad.
The pilot study, followed by two other screening events (between 2012-2013) which took place at UNEFS gathered a total of 458 subjects whose data were digitally entered in the system which further generated SMS follow-up messages.
This application renders possible digital data entry on cell phone and tablets, two way interactive messaging to athletes' cell phones and tablets to close the referral loop after Healthy Athletes events, two way interactive messaging to athletes' cell phones and tablets for follow up of services and devices given at Healthy Athletes events and athlete data entry into their personal health record. | Keywords
athletes, database, mobile health solution, digital data entry, interactivity |