2014 » Papers » Volume 4 » E-learning rowing technique, performed by junior rowers 1. E-LEARNING ROWING TECHNIQUE, PERFORMED BY JUNIOR ROWERS Authors: Urichianu Adrian, Jurat Valeriu, Triboi Vasile Volume 4 | DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-14-264 | Pages: 229-234 | Download PDF | Abstract
The aim of this demonstration of e-Learning technique by paddling through computerized video analysis, carried out on the ergosim type equipment by the junior rowers.
This scientific approach has led to organizing a research of an experimental study using the following methods:
1. Analysis of methodical-scientific literature. 2. Video recording of gymnastics exercises. Use of computerized programs: "Pinnacle Studio", "Kinovea" and "Physics ToolKit". 3. Postural method of movement orientation. 4. Statistical method, by means of "KyPlot" computerized program.
In this pedagogic experiment there has been included a number of six athletes from the Olympic Youth Center, Snagov, Romania. In this stage the athletes trained by running ,using an ergometer, weightlifting in the gym and rowing on the water.
Results. Demonstration and identification of kinematic and dynamic rowing motion on the ergometer performed by the junior rowers 16-18 of age , on the basis of biomechanical video analysis, the trajectories of body segments (CGG, shoulder and Fist) and the resultant linear speed and force showing their influence on different phases of the ideal technical rowing motion.
Conclusions. The correlative analysis between parameter technical training and performance results in competitions of junior rowing 16 to 18 years point out significant correlations in the attack phase, in the initial position between the speed of the wrist using the performance achieved in the competition, with the other biometric indicators of the rowing movement phases, the performance achieved in the three contests. These correlations are insignificant at P 0.05 >, highlighting the values of speed and force at shoulder and wrist level.
The use of e-learning in improving the technique of rowing has allowed the development of a training program to help increase performance in competitions on rowing machines and the athlete recruitment for rowing on water. | Keywords
Biomechanics, rowing, ergometer, phases of rowing, performance stages |