2014 » Papers » Volume 4 » Enhancing the learning of knitting technology through on-line simulation 1. ENHANCING THE LEARNING OF KNITTING TECHNOLOGY THROUGH ON-LINE SIMULATION Authors: Ursache Mariana, Dan Dorin Volume 4 | DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-14-290 | Pages: 384-387 | Download PDF | Abstract
The paper presents the use of information and communications technology to enhance the learning in case of a laboratory module, called "Loop forming processes" within the curricula of "Basis of Knitting Technology" course. Among the designed and used means for the learning module are those frequently used in case of knitting technology such as: html interactive animations showing the successive phases of loop forming cycle, electronic albums, video clips. All these means offer the possibility for an interactive and programmed learning of the "Loop forming processes" and an easy understanding of the loop forming phases during of the knitting cycle in case of spring bearded needles, latch needles and compound needles. Corel Draw was used for the drawings, Corel Rave for the interactive animations and video camera, for the video clips. The laboratory module was designed based on an XML file taken as a model, amended contents according to the needs of the laboratory and then used for transformation in the HTML laboratory module using the ModulEst application. The laboratory module has an interactive graphical structure and contains navigation icons for direct access to the bibliography, webography, glossary, summary help page and test for self-programming and verification. The learning modules are accompanied by three different online quizzes that were used at the three stages of learning module: at the beginning of the learning module, to evaluate the students prior knowledge, during the learning module, to see students progress as they learn (assessment for learning) and at the end of the learning module, to gauge the students received knowledge (assessment of learning). The authors consider the designed modules as innovative learning methods that support learning in engineering education at the Faculty of Textiles-Leather and Industrial Management. | Keywords
e-learning, interactive laboratory, knitting cycle animation, knitting technology |