2015 » Papers » Volume 1 » Simulation and visualization tool to explore the impacts of complex and cross-related environment changes 1. SIMULATION AND VISUALIZATION TOOL TO EXPLORE THE IMPACTS OF COMPLEX AND CROSS-RELATED ENVIRONMENT CHANGES Authors: Savin Cristina, Moldoveanu Alin, Moldoveanu Florica Volume 1 | DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-15-083 | Pages: 573-580 | Download PDF | Abstract
The current trend concerning global climate conditions is one of change and is negatively affecting all major sectors of society and environment at all levels, from the national to the local and continental. As a consequence of the strong impact that climate change has on future society, the need of an e-learning tool to raise awareness on the effects of these changes appears more than necessary. The solution presented in this paper (CLIMSAVE IAP - Integrated Assessment Platform) is a user friendly interactive web-based tool intended for free use that simulates an extensive range of impact indicators at European and local scale (Scotland) based on a series of interactive climatic and socio-economic scenarios. The simulated impact indicators cover a wide range of sectors: agriculture, biodiversity, coasts, forests, water and urban and are displayed as a geospatial map that allows users to evaluate and understand the climate impacts. The tool is a web software based on the Client/Server architecture having on the Client side the Client Interface Module that collects the input information needed to run the user's simulation and displays the outputs on interactive geospatial maps. The Server Side is comprised of the project's main database, a series of 12 meta-models to simulate the above mentioned sectors and a main Running Module that links the Client and the Server side. The tool was developed with the help of representative stakeholders that have also contributed to its calibration and testing. The novelty of this platform is that it allows users to explore and understand the interactions between various sectors rather than viewing a sectorial area in isolation. | Keywords
e-learning online platforms, climate change, interactivity, geospatial visualization |