E-Learning is an educational environment with continuous upward trend, a collaborative process aimed at increasing individual and organizational performance. Success in the educational field results not only in facilitating access to information and knowledge, modern forms of presentation and assessment, but also e-learning providing differentiated access the various categories of learners with specific training and professional individual needs. Averages open, participatory and social features offers both teachers and learners the opportunity to communicate, collaborate and connect with each other, thereby contributing to the change in the design of teaching strategies and teaching - learning and assessment. Therefore, during the last decade, there is an increase in the supply of electronic resources and tools in the educational environment, especially in the university, where students, as adults, have some experience in using electronic technologies.
In this study, we analyzing how to implement modern technologies in teaching pedagogical disciplines of Foundations of Pedagogy and Theory and Methodology of Curriculum in Preschool and Primary Education in conjunction with the factors that pedagogical influence the acceptance and use of e-learning.
Effective management of learning situations involves overcoming formal educational space and integration of new technologies, developing the ability to cooperate with others to make a good team. School should use elements which are performed abroad, at institutions that do not follow in priority formative purposes. To achieve the four pillars of education, "learning to know", "learning to do", "learning to live with others", "learning to be" , education must be responsive to influences to all learning environments. Without diminishing the role of school education, Lucian Ciolan appreciates that it should not be neglected contribution of other educational environments. "Profile of an individual's skills can be the cumulative result of a series of training experience and formal training, non-formal education, informal experiences of life. (...) It's rather a necessary revision of the traditional roles of school and classical vision that educational institutions have on offer (...)." |