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Volume 1
&Quot;electronic sheet of practice"...
A diatribe in favor of a paradigm shift ...
A new method for peer assessment in mooc...
A transversal analysis of the evolution ...
Academic controversies over social mass...
Acceptance among enforcement officers to...
Advantages to use elearning platform in ...
An introductory guide to self-presentati...
Avatars as motivational factor in simula...
Blended learning in higher education - a...
Blogging, vlogging - from entertainment ...
Case study regarding the assessment of e...
Changes in school system - new media and...
Collaborative systems for the protection...
Concept: social network educational plat...
Current speech therapy practices based o...
Decision management in the educational e...
Developing a microlearning strategy with...
Didactic computer games in teaching and ...
Discovering scientific literature throug...
Disrupting adult learning in military s...
Distance education as a way of saving et...
E-learning as winning tool for supportin...
E-learning tools for engineering student...
Education and contemporary challenges - ...
Environmental modeling through math game...
Explaining the acceptance of facebook by...
Facebook in university education...
Friends with technology: mobile devices ...
Human operator - real remote environment...
Hunt : using honeytokens to understand a...
Improving nuclear crisis management proc...
Increasing student/student and student/l...
Initial training of teaching skills, in ...
Instagarm as a new platform for media co...
Integrated curriculum design and use of ...
It&c in teaching english for politic...
Learning using connections between conce...
Linkedin as a research companion. assess...
Matlab-based software tool for implement...
Microworld environment of small language...
Military history projects lessons learne...
Modelling the process of education and t...
Modern media technologies in the educati...
Monitoring student activities in social ...
Ms excel-based application for encryptio...
Muzica istoriei - a digital history proj...
Needs assessment questionnaire for the i...
New trends in e-learning using online ma...
Non-cognitive skills: what students need...
On mobile learning...
Online collaboration and learning enviro...
Online system for fluid power training r...
Pest analysis of the educational system ...
Problem solving competence developed thr...
Prototyping digital educational games...
Providing computer-based testing for low...
Quality assurance criteria for open educ...
Research into theoretical background to ...
Rethinking eucation - ddlub's initiative...
Role of computer and the internet in stu...
Stepping towards online in training: the...
Student modelling in a web-based platfor...
Teaching and learning with cloud technol...
The advantages of using cloud computing ...
The contribution of the e-learning proje...
The effect of csi movies and games over ...
The pedagogical effectiveness of blended...
The role of e-learning in workforce educ...
The security policy dimension of trainin...
The use of e-learning technologies in tr...
The use of low-cost software in search a...
The use of technology in reducing cognit...
The willingness of preschool teachers to...
Topical issues of application of distanc...
Training for implementing e-learning sys...
Training method used for visual aerial v...
Training of human resources through elea...
Training with ict support in speech ther...
Using a virtual school for teaching and ...
Using constructivist theory in e-learnin...
Using e-learning technology as a support...
Using excel spreadsheets to determine th...
Using explainer videos to teach web desi...
Using tactile letters as an assistive te...
Video games in the xxist century...
Young romanians' "digital nati...
Volume 2
'theory of inventive problem solvin...
A review of educational interventions fo...
A serious game for improving elderly mob...
Accelerated teaching and learning: roles...
Acting like a historian in a technology ...
Age differences and preferences in onlin...
An adaptive multimodal interface to impr...
Applying a generational-oriented and fle...
Architecture for research, training and ...
Are current models of technology accepta...
Behavioral patterns in smart learning en...
Big data to improve the quality of learn...
Biometric data in learning analytics: a ...
Cluster competitiveness platform...
Cognitive load and short term memory eva...
Commitment at the workplace -implication...
Comparative study on students' perc...
Computerised language assessment: limita...
Counseling technical education students ...
Creating a learning space for collaborat...
Critical considerations about the adopti...
Current trends in the use of ict in teac...
Design and implementation of an online l...
Developing pre-service science teachers ...
Does the internet shape our mind? the ca...
Emergent technologies for learning analy...
Enhancing the security level of the new ...
Environmental sensing and learning human...
Establish - link between research and ed...
Evoipeazy: elearning tool for understand...
Exercising critical thinking in the onli...
Experiences in online collaborative lear...
Face recognition for education in the cl...
Gender differences in the motives of usi...
Generic online algorithm interpreter wit...
Geographic visualizations of the e-learn...
How moocs are being used for corporate t...
How the potential of ict is integrated i...
Html5 based system for mobile learning...
I am a teacher in the digital era. what ...
Icts as resources for empowering vulnera...
Insight testtoolkit - a multidimensional...
Instrcutor social presence: a neglected ...
Integration of educational technologies ...
Intelligent system for assessment and gr...
Internet of things in education: a case ...
It's really facebook an e-learning ...
Level of students' critical thinking eng...
Ludic evaluation and student engagement ...
Methodological aspects of designing onli...
Modelling climate change impacts using o...
Moodle platform in learning: student...
Oculus rift used to assessment and rehab...
Online course customization using ontolo...
Online feedback in learning. student...
Open online courses for business: the m-...
Open source technologies in teaching int...
Pathways for positive social impacts thr...
Pedagogy issues in moocs. challenges in ...
Pele - a tool to support learning throug...
Pokemon go, a financial strategy or a mo...
Proposing a secure framework for elearni...
Reflections on the results of exploiting...
Romania and the elearning musical educat...
Sky observations in the physics class - ...
Social media - the path to millennials a...
Social media and digital interactions us...
Social media and virtual platforms facil...
Social media competences in educational ...
Social media- an alternative way with va...
Technology use and the needs of learners...
The math of programming - interdisciplin...
The use of smartphones in the physics cl...
Towards an accessible response system...
Towards the enhancement of aglos with sc...
Training based on virtual simulators. ca...
Training with real time simulator for sm...
Transcultural contexts: networks of lit...
Treating acrophobia with the help of vi...
Trends in blending university courses wi...
Ultra slow motion intelligent training -...
Use of liquid cargo handling simulator f...
Using vpython programming for interdisci...
Videos, culture and significant learning...
Virtual laboratory for training in the f...
Virtualized video and cloud computing fo...
Webrtc based elearning platform...
Volume 3
A 4-week pilot study investigating the e...
A comparative analysis of systems used i...
A comparative study on the indirect asse...
A comprehensive analysis on cyber-threat...
A computerized system for judging dances...
A low-cost device for investigating chro...
A mathematical method to validate new ro...
An analysis of electro-oculogram signals...
Analyzing cyber threat actors of e-learn...
Application of mobile technology in spor...
Applying shannon and boltzman laws when ...
Assessment of the pubalgic walking with ...
Assisted new technology for medical scre...
Automatic assessment of mathematics...
Beyond the tale of the 'two culture...
Bioelectric body impedance method (bia) ...
Blended learning methods used in studyin...
Buiding an undergraduate course in data-...
Cad application for simple woven fabrics...
Challenges of teaching a blended english...
Current stage of application of the know...
Curriculum and learning content manageme...
Design for manufacture matrix for older ...
Designing a scalable technology hub for ...
Determination of geometrical parameters ...
Developing iot enabled applications for ...
Digital technology and boundary work in ...
E- learning lessons for teaching differe...
E-learning for innovation in textile ent...
E-learning in bioengineering in order to...
E-learning in biomedical engineering edu...
E-learning platforms identity using digi...
E-learning training program framework on...
Educational perspectives offered by the ...
Educational software for the optimizatio...
Elearning for math skills improvement....
Elearning for photoshop and illustrator ...
Enhancing learning efficiency through th...
Enhancing the engineering students'...
Eog signal processing algorithm used in ...
Evaluation model of the teenagers' activ...
Graphic interface for identification and...
Impact of 132731 posdru project on schoo...
Informatics system for selection of orie...
Interactive tools used in blended instru...
Is medical education ready to use blende...
Kinematics of tennis movements for a pla...
Learning proper rowing technique by usin...
Learning versus elearning for it profess...
Managerial aspects regarding the nationa...
Modeling of sanguine flow in different v...
Moodle - support tool for diaspora integ...
New professional developments in the aca...
New technology for assisted by pc rehabi...
Old and new methods of evaluation for es...
Online dictionaries in learning the germ...
Quality standards in the training of sch...
Raising engineering students' aware...
Recovering old romanian lemmata...
Rendering objective and optimizing kinet...
Renewable energy system planed with sunn...
Route suggestion for visiting museums us...
Semantic annotation and automated text c...
Semantic role annotation for elearning...
Sensitivity and specificity affected by ...
Simulation and modelling in education of...
Smart education and smart e-learning...
Software application for designing yarns...
Software application for the analysis of...
Sports science quality frameworks in ble...
Stat-concor: software for validating the...
Strategic developments in the field of c...
Study regarding relevant abilities of th...
Study regarding the specific of badminto...
Task-based approach in english for speci...
Teaching english in a digital world: the...
The best of both worlds: using e-nature ...
The cybersecurity of elearning platforms...
The digital depiction of the archaeologi...
The impact of social media technologies ...
The importance of implementing a new edu...
The importance of using suunto electroni...
The role of the visual in foreign langua...
The school library in the digital enviro...
The use of online language-learning tool...
Use of e-training in mathematical modeli...
Using gamification for the development o...
Virtual environment sickness - a take fr...
Virtual fully-fashion knitting...
Virtual reality, educational games and l...
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