2019 » Papers » Volume 2 » Information and Documentation through New Technologies in E-Learning Process 1. INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTATION THROUGH NEW TECHNOLOGIES IN E-LEARNING PROCESS Authors: Banciu Doina, Petre Ionut, BONCEA Radu Volume 2 | DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-19-134 | Pages: 465-470 | Download PDF | Abstract
The paper presents the results of research projects developed in the field of Information management by the National Institute for Research and Develop Considering the high-paced growth of information generated in the current Information Society, a high-quality e-learning process must deliver a significant amount of content to a large number of users. The paper presents the development, from concept to release, of a platform destined for promoting culture at different levels of users. It shows how the e-learning process could be organized around the integrated information regarding one or more cultural objectives.
Technical innovations and the exponential expansion of online resources changed the way society works. Nowadays the classic method of learning, based on books, source code samples, magazines and journals, is losing ground in favor of e-Learning which is based on internet resources such as documents, applications and tools that are accessed using a personal computer or any another smart device. Considering the high-paced growth of information generated in the current Information Society, a high-quality e-learning process must deliver a significant amount of content to a large number of users. Technology is now facilitating the distribution of knowledge through software tools, in order to create a wide variety of learning possibilities for all sorts of users. A platform for information and documentation that integrates the IT&C technologies to deliver cultural information, with facilities that appeal to the public, is a qualitative and quantitative point of access. The technical considerations for the implementations of this project are also described in the paper. | Keywords
e-learning process; e-learning documentation; cultural information; knowledge distribution; online resources. |