2019 » Papers » Volume 3 » New Approaches to the Organization of Educational Processes for Engineering Directions in Tajikistan 1. NEW APPROACHES TO THE ORGANIZATION OF EDUCATIONAL PROCESSES FOR ENGINEERING DIRECTIONS IN TAJIKISTAN Authors: Smirnova Elena, VAHHOBOV ABDUVAHHOB, SIDIKOV VOSIDJON Volume 3 | DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-19-152 | Pages: 113-118 | Download PDF | Abstract
This paper is about new approaches to the organization of educational processes for engineering directions in Khujand state University,Tajikistan, carring on now in the framework of the ERASMUS+ Capacity Building for Higher Education just starting a project (# 586060-EPP-1-2017-1-RO-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP). The name of the project is "Excellence in Engineering Education through Teacher Training and New Pedagogic Approaches in Russia and Tajikistan". The Introduction describes EXTEND Center main activities in the framework of the project and how Tajikistan universities take part in this project. The main section is about teaching teachers process. For the training of engineers, new teachers are needed nowerdays. New teaching of technical specialized subjects should not be organized now only as in-line lectures, and all classes and lectures and practical should be organized in specialized real or virtual laboratory classrooms. In practical classes, it is desirable for students to set problem tasks that exist or arise in the workplace or in the scientific field, in order to use the ability of non-standard thinking of students. This part of the article describes the first experience of this approach at Khujand state University. New approach concerns to the methods of student's estimation also. Second section shows the results of students ' assessment which is done not only by the correct results of solving the problem, but also by the style of creative thinking.
The paper describes the experience of the EXTEND center, which provides a close link between the educational institution, industry and science. It is shown how the training programs of engineering specialties are formed on the basis of the requirements formed by the enterprises of the industry. | Keywords
ERASMUS+; Engineering education; Teachers' competence; Student's scientific potential |