2019 » Papers » Volume 3 » The Influence of National Culture on Technology Adoption 1. THE INFLUENCE OF NATIONAL CULTURE ON TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION Authors: Ogigau-Neamtiu Florin, Antonoaie Cristina Volume 3 | DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-19-157 | Pages: 146-153 | Download PDF | Abstract
Understanding the organizational culture when studying the information technology is critical as both influence each other on multiple levels. The culture plays an important role in the managerial decision making and directly influences the IT field.
Each organization is based on three fundamental pillars: people, processes and technology, and this holistic model is largely accepted and used in modern present-day organizations. Multiple systems that control the organizational performance and which have as a main focus efficiency improvements of the organizational processes (ITIL, ERP, BI) are adopting this model. Understanding the relationships between people, processes and technology leads to identifying the optimal decisions that must be taken in order to achieve the strategic objectives of the organization.
Organizational change - the capability to adapt to environmental transformations - is essential in today's world and it is determining the survival capacity of the organization on the market. But the resistance to change is a big obstacle in this process and also in the case of adopting a new information technology that is influenced at the same time also by the political authority, rules and legislation, changes in the dynamic of the population and other factors.
That is why we are considering that the relationship between the organizational culture and the way of adopting the IT elements can be analyzed by using the Geert Hofstede's model of dimensions of national culture: power distance index, individualism versus collectivism, masculinity versus femininity, uncertainty avoidance index, long term orientation versus short term normative orientation, indulgence versus restraint. | Keywords
culture; technology; cultural dimensions; organization; information; change. |