2019 » Papers » Volume 3 » Comparative Study of Kinetic Protocols for Evaluating the Influence of Pubis Osteitis on Football Players 1. COMPARATIVE STUDY OF KINETIC PROTOCOLS FOR EVALUATING THE INFLUENCE OF PUBIS OSTEITIS ON FOOTBALL PLAYERS Authors: IONITE Catalin, RATA Gloria, ILEA Mihai, ROTARIU Mariana Volume 3 | DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-19-180 | Pages: 307-315 | Download PDF | Abstract
Changes in football over the last decade have led to the opening of an access path to this branch of affections from other areas such as postoperative affections, rheumatologic disorders etc.. One of these pathologies that have managed to migrate to the sporting branch is publgia (pubis osteitis), defined as an inflammation of the periarticular elements of the pubic symphysis. Once installed, it produces a negative effect on the player by virtue of his inability to act at the club's standards, but also personally by lowering his quality of life in relation to his partner and with the environment.Changes produced by pubalgia (pubis osteitis) in the pubic symphysis and periarticular elements can be collected using non-invasive postural analyzes such as a posturostes.The present study was structured in three stages, namely: the first stage consisted in the identification in the speciality literature other studies that addressed this disease by assessing the patients with the posturotest (thus analyzing the pressures exerted at the plantar level, the plantar surface percent, the movement of the general center of weight, etc.) and the application of a kinetotherapeutical protocol for the recovery of pubalgic syndrome, the second stage consisted in the evaluation of a lot of football players affected by the pubalgic syndrome (pubis osteitis) based on the evaluation parameters identified in stage one, the initial / final evaluations and performing a kinetotherapeutical protocol consisting of kinetic methods and techniques, and the 3-st stage consists in processing and comparing the results obtained with the results identified in the literature.Graphical simulation and interpretation is performed using a graphical interface, giving the reader a better understanding in the applicability of treatment in the pubalgic syndrom to football players. The graphical interface allows for a comprehensive view of the parameters and a simulation and statistical calculation module provides quantitative evaluation of parameter values that measure the degree of recovery of football players. This aspect will automatically lead to the creation of a recovery protocol designed to fully recover pubalgic syndrome (pubis osteitis) to soccer players and their reintegration as quickly as possible in training and automatically in competitive activity | Keywords
pubalgie (pubis osteitis); kinetotherapeutic protocol; football game; graphical interface. |