2019 » Papers » Volume 3 » The Potential of Developing Strategic Thinking Skills through Strategic Games with Physical vs. Electronic Participation 1. THE POTENTIAL OF DEVELOPING STRATEGIC THINKING SKILLS THROUGH STRATEGIC GAMES WITH PHYSICAL VS. ELECTRONIC PARTICIPATION Authors: Mustata Ioan Cristian, GUICA Ioana Raluca, JULIACIFRE Miquel Volume 3 | DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-19-145 | Pages: 64-70 | Download PDF | Abstract
The paper addresses several issues related to the use of several strategic games, especially the advantages and disadvantages of two different forms of playing them: by meeting in person vs. remote using online multiplayer versions. Both methods have important quantitative and qualitative advantages. The analysis in the paper is based on the experience of a small focus group of management and engineering professionals interested in strategic thinking testing several strategic games in the board game version or the online version, related to their potential of developing strategic thinking and other related competencies over the last 5 years within the strategic thinking circle organized at the University Politehnica of Bucharest. Thus the paper answers the following questions: which are the best games from the tested set in order to develop, train and improve strategic thinking and other relevant related competencies; which are the advantages and disadvantages of playing those games as physical board games by meeting together vs. using their online versions and which of these alternatives promises a better development of strategic thinking; is the development of strategic thinking by using strategic games useful for the career path and if yes in which ways? The analysed issues have the purpose of inspiring other professionals who seek motivational ways of improving their strategic thinking competencies while having fun in the same time and by giving insights for the best options from the ones tested by the focus group. The paper is concluded with some recommendations for organizers of strategic games based on the experience of the members of the strategic thinking circle. | Keywords
Business Simulation; Team Work; Education. |