2019 » Papers » Volume 3 » Developing the ESP Ability of Vietnamese Students through the use of Blended Learning 1. DEVELOPING THE ESP ABILITY OF VIETNAMESE STUDENTS THROUGH THE USE OF BLENDED LEARNING Authors: Ngo Phuong Anh Volume 3 | DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-19-146 | Pages: 71-79 | Download PDF | Abstract
This study investigates and evaluates the effects of ESP training with the participants using Canvas- a virtual classroom and an actual one in parallel at a technical university in Vietnam. To achieve this, the study examined the students' perception on the use of Canvas, their reported difficulties in learning via Canvas, the effects of the training upon them, and their use and reflections on the use of virtual classroom. 60 third-year ESP students at the technical university were recruited. Participants were split into three groups: the pilot group (G1), the experimental group (G2) and the control group (G3). The research was implemented in an ESP training course of ten 180-minute classes, each class consisting of group discussion and ESP training with the use of virtual classroom. Quantitative data were collected from G2 and G3 on ESP ability using pre-tests and post-tests. Participants' reflective reports, supplemented by the researcher's journal were also collected as qualitative data.
The quantitative results reveal a statistically significant difference in ESP performance between G2 and G3. The overall improvement in all ESP skills were recorded over the period of training, while G3's improvement was negligible. Qualitative data reveals the difficulties encountered by the participants during the training (such as the lack of technical skills, interrupted internet connection), their positive feedback on and interest in the training using canvas. The results of the study are discussed in terms of its contribution to research in this area and to the teaching and learning of ESP in the Vietnamese context. | Keywords
Canvas; virtual classroom; ESP learning; English teaching; Vietnamese context. |