2019 » Papers » Volume 3 » A Serious Game Approach in Anti-Doping Education: the Game Project 1. A SERIOUS GAME APPROACH IN ANTI-DOPING EDUCATION: THE GAME PROJECT Authors: Barkoukis Vasileios , TSIATSOS Thrasyvoulos, POLITOPOULOS Nikolaos, STYLIANIDIS Panagiotis, ZIAGKAS Efthymios, LAZURAS Lambros, YPSILANTI Antonia Volume 3 | DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-19-200 | Pages: 451-455 | Download PDF | Abstract
Anti-doping education has largely relied on traditional educational approaches such as face-to-face interaction and e-learning material. Current challenges in anti-doping education involve a) the development of modern educational tools suitable for the new generation of athletes, b) the use of state-of-
art learning pedagogies that will enable effective engagement, learning and retention of the learned material, c) a systematic evaluation of the outcomes of anti-doping educational interventions on behavior and related cognition, and d) a
positive approach to doping prevention. Project GAME aims to address these needs through the development of a serious game that will incorporate current empirical evidence on the psychological mechanisms underpinning the decision making process towards doping use in competitive and recreational sports. The aim of the present study is to highlight the importance of anti-doping education,
conduct a state of the art literature review on serious games' design, present the prototype of a scenario that will be included in a serious game for anti-doping education, and discuss the project's activities related to the use of technologies in
anti-doping education.
Anti-doping education has largely relied on traditional educational
aproaches such as face-to-face interaction and e-learning material. Current
chalenges in anti-doping education involve a) the development of modern
educational tools suitable for the new generation of athletes, b) the use of state-of-
art learning pedagogies that will enable effective engagement, learning and
retention of the learned material, c) a systematic evaluation of the outcomes of
anti-doping educational interventions on behavior and related cognition, and d) a
positive approach to doping prevention. Project GAME aims to address these
needs through the development of a serious game that will incorporate current
empirical evidence on the psychological mechanisms underpinning the decision
making process towards doping use in competitive and recreational sports. The
aim of the present study is to highlight the importance of anti-doping education,
conduct a state of the art literature review on serious games' design, present the
prototype of a scenario that will be included in a serious game for anti-doping
education, and discuss the project's activities related to the use of technologies in
anti-doping education. | Keywords
Serious Games; Anti-doping; Sports; Performance Enhancement. |