2014 » Papers » Volume 4 » CLOUD CHALLENGES FOR THE e-LEARNING PROCESS 1. CLOUD CHALLENGES FOR THE E-LEARNING PROCESS Authors: Banciu Doina, Cirnu Carmen Elena Volume 4 | DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-21-291 | Pages: 388-393 | Download PDF | Abstract
This paper presents features that are influencing the quality of the e-Learning services and the way those features are influenced by the application of the principles/concepts of a Cloud based e-Learning system in the teaching - learning process. The analyzed elements that influence the quality and the way those elements are created on a Cloud-based platform, are detailed within the contents of this article. There have been analyzed four sets of indicators that could determine the quality index in higher education. The article also includes the analysis of sets of features that were chosen based on real e-Learning situations, showcasing at the same time the clear facts that prove that the process itself requires adequate computer resources. The results show that the Cloud based e-Learning system could offer improved quality with reduced costs by comparison with the traditional educational system.
Evaluating the quality of e-Learning systems is difficult because e-Learning systems have a multidisciplinary nature, and most aspects related to the quality of the teaching - learning process at a distance can not be taken into account without ongoing monitoring and a global assessment of said system . Although the quality of the content holds an important place in the evaluation of e-Learning systems, which is also unanimously agreed. It has not reached a consensus on the evaluation methods and criteria for the evaluation of the information in the e-Learning systems [3],[4].
The general perception of the user regarding the quality of services is based on assessing the service quality dimensions of the e-Learning interface between said user and service quality, quality system, the quality of information provided by system, quality of interaction results or benefits obtained by the user with the service [2]. The quality system and the quality of the information together form the interaction quality. The quality of interaction refers to the process of supplying the service and includes aspects of the interaction of the user and the interface through which the service is offered. | Keywords
Cloud-based e-Learning system, traditional educational system, quality, challenges |