2021 » Papers » Volume 1 » Urban Games in Pandemic Times 1. URBAN GAMES IN PANDEMIC TIMES Authors: Ungureanu Teodora, Mandea Maria Volume 1 | DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-21-074 | Pages: 588-595 | Download PDF | Abstract
The Covid 19 pandemic crisis has restarted the debate on how can we use the urban space as citizens in a safe and caring way. This research presents our explorations in human-scale board-games developed during the second part of 2020. Not only we had to rethink the rules of the games to cope with the current pandemic situation and create a safe environment for the players, but also the concepts played in the games started to have a deeper understanding of processes that create or are created by the urban environment.
The two games are `far to close` developed within LIFE LONG BURNING 2020, at WASP Working Art Space and Production Bucharest and `The System in the Room` created during Simultan Festival 15, Timi?oara.
The first game explores urban situations and how the players deal and react to some trivial city-happenings. To win the game, they have to use the physical distancing rules to `move` in the board-game city and tell the story of their trip.
The second game centres more on dialogue than on winning. This time the players move in a board-game that represents the system behind housing developments. They have to explain the concepts presented in this system and create together a narrative on how housing developments should work. While, at first glance, the games can appear different in concept, the hypothesis behind them was the same: how can we use games as a tool of understanding the relationship between the citizens and the urban environment. This paper will present our observations derived from playing and observing the two games. | Keywords
serious games, urban play, play design |