2021 » Papers » Volume 2 » The possibility of developing an e-learning platform using Cloud ERP software: a case study on Odoo 1. THE POSSIBILITY OF DEVELOPING AN E-LEARNING PLATFORM USING CLOUD ERP SOFTWARE: A CASE STUDY ON ODOO Authors: Mihalcescu Cezar, Iordache Ana Maria Mihaela, Sion Beatrice Volume 2 | DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-21-094 | Pages: 193-202 | Download PDF | Abstract
E-Learning portals are large data warehouses that allow the interconnection of various types of activities in order to automate and streamline of the decision-making process. Distributed learning allows the realization of an educational process of the best quality, based on a modern education and a very high perspective, customized according to the increasingly demanding and complex individual needs. In the paper we studied the possibility of using the Odoo ERP program, implemented in the Cloud environment for the development of an e-learning platform. For a company that offers paid qualification courses, we have implemented the whole e-learning process, starting from the moment a student enrolls in a certain course and until the issuance of the participation certificate. All activities are carried out automatically, via email. The payment of the courses can be done with the card or bank transfer and is automatically registered in the accounting, the invoice being issued automatically, reaching to the recipient by email. Technology has changed the way we live our lives, the way we communicate and the way we learn. The continuous evolution of technology allows humanity to communicate and learn in a virtual environment similar to that of real world interaction. These changes at the educational level, where eLearning is becoming more dynamic and socially interactive, there are still some weaknesses regarding the successful implementation of these platforms among educational institutions. Schools with a traditional education system find it difficult to adapt or embrace these much-needed changes without resisting the new trends and preferences of society. There is a growing trend for educational institutions to successfully implement eLearning efficiently. | Keywords
e-learning, Odoo, Cloud ERP, software, Succes, Academic Achievement, online |