2022 » Papers » Volume 1 » Challenges encountered in online and traditional learning process with non-specialized instructors in psycho-pedagogical field for basic and continuous training 1. CHALLENGES ENCOUNTERED IN ONLINE AND TRADITIONAL LEARNING PROCESS WITH NON-SPECIALIZED INSTRUCTORS IN PSYCHO-PEDAGOGICAL FIELD FOR BASIC AND CONTINUOUS TRAINING Authors: NECULAI TATARU, Daniel-Calin Oaie, OAIE Daniel Volume 1 | DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-22-041 | Pages: 324-330 | Download PDF | Abstract
The diversity of training requirements in a narrow field of majors of a reduced number of trainees leads to the situation in which there is not enough dedicated personnel for the teaching process. So, the institution faces the necessityof asking for associated instructors-specialized personnes in the required fields but without proper training in psycho-pedagogical domain. Due to their full agendas, the time left for them to participate at this training is limited and so, the institution has to concentrate its effort in preparing the pedagogic material that is to be presented by the instution itself in prior meetingswhile applying the fundamental teaching principles. The experience gained in the years of pandemic combined with the deficit of didactic personnel in "Viceamiral Constantin B?lescu" Romanian Navy Joint Training School can be exploited in order to identify the best solutions and ways of action in similar future circumstances. We will not focuse on the challenges that arise from the process of becoming from a civilian, in such a short time, a military. This transition period is demanding for either the traineesbut olso the instructors. We will focuse our attention on the instructors and the process of training. The pandemic challenges and also the current ones regarding zone security require the didactic resilience growth, which must become more flexible, to use a variety of means and technologies and be well-equipped in order to cope with possible crises. | Keywords
traning, non-specialized instructors, didactic resilience, e-learning |