The aim of this article is to explore a method by means of which eLearning teaching can be implemented in areas where traditional teaching system is lacking/malfunctioning due to geographically remoteness, post-conflict or catastrophic reasons. Education is essential for progress and prosperity our society. Unfortunately, weather disasters and armed conflicts hamper educational process so badly that serious repercussions cannot be minimized. Studies (Blattman & Annan, 2010; Bair, 2011; Amusan, 2013; Valente, 2014) have shown that both long and short term war conflicts can disrupt school activities up to a decade. Peace restoration in post war zones require time and financial support - which sometimes last more than expected. Research has already proven that eLearning teaching services are able to substitute traditional school system even in remote places. There are of course several strategies that allow online teaching in school. Hussein Essadi (2021) mentions in this respect three methods that allow eLearning implementation in post war affected areas. There are the Ability-Motivation-Opportunity known as: AMO theory, the Technology-Organization-Environment Framework, known as: the TOE framework and finally, the Diffusion of Information theory, known as the DOI theory. These methods imply both institutional and technological activities. Indeed, in order to implement online-teaching one need the support of the authorities and not in the least, the assistance of a whole technical equipment so that online teaching could take place. Furthermore, it is also important to analyse the so called social factor, i.e. in what way eLearning is accepted in a certain community. This paper explores the DOI thesis and the ideas of its mentor, Everett Rogers, whose book: Diffusion of Innovations, first published in 1962, played an important role in the studies of innovative implementations. Following this pattern we are able to anticipate and monitor certain social factors (the online teaching itself as an innovative element, the adopters, i.e. those who adopt the innovation, different communication channels). These enable us later to carry out online teaching in a certain area, community, classroom. |