2023 » Papers » Volume 1 » MODDING INTERACTIVE DIGITAL ASSETS 1. MODDING INTERACTIVE DIGITAL ASSETS Authors: Stefan Ioana Andreea, Stefan Antoniu, Baalsrud Hauge Jannicke, Gheorghe Ancuta Florentina, Piki Andriani, ROSCAN Stefanel Volume 1 | DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-23-014 | Pages: 160-171 | Download PDF | Abstract
The abundance of Digital Educational Resources (DERs) does not reduce or eliminate the need to modify DERs to better answer to specific learner needs and learning goals. The creation of new DERs can often be too costly and might require teachers to invest a significant amount of time to prepare the learning content, to design and test the resource and so on. The authors argue that modding existing DERs is a suitable approach teachers can take to provide quicklier a wider range of resources to engage and motivate learners of all ages. However, it remains debatable how feasible it is to adapt existing resources for new learning objectives or target groups. For resources to be adaptable, they should be designed with modding in mind. This issue becomes even more challenging when these resources have to be modified so that they can be used by disadvantages learners, expecially by learners with disabilities. How often teachers are in full control and how easy can a teacher mod a DER without any support from software developers? What kind of activities can be easily modded? Which tools can better support this approach and can empower teachers to fully benefit of flexible resources that can be easily modded for new purposes? The authors aim to answer these questions and explore technologies that teachers can use directly, without support from developers, to create DERs that can be easily modded. They discuss examples of interative learning activities that can be adapted for new purposes, including for teaching disadvatnaged learners or learners with disabilities. | Keywords
H5P; reuse; personalized learning; gamification; disadvantaged learners. |