2023 » Papers » Volume 1 » Programmable Robots for Experience-Based Learning and Gamification of Teaching Programming 1. PROGRAMMABLE ROBOTS FOR EXPERIENCE-BASED LEARNING AND GAMIFICATION OF TEACHING PROGRAMMING Authors: Czakoova Krisztina, Vegh Ladislav Volume 1 | DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-23-007 | Pages: 79-89 | Download PDF | Abstract
The use of programmable robot devices in the teaching of informatics is highly motivational for pupils. At school, most of the learners consider the topic of algorithms difficult. For beginners in programming, the knowledge of specific algorithms (based on remembering the textual form of commands) is not needed. It is more important to make the programming easy - without the need of writing instructions. To make programming and problem solving fun and engaging, it should be preferred to achieve learning by doing and playing. The article deals with the application of experience-based teaching methods. Experiential activities bring solutions to simple problems, while helps to playfully master the subject matter. The pupils learn to think creatively while playing. We describe the possibilities of coding programmable robots (Ozobot, Edison and Dash robot) by accessible applications. To achieve our goals, we apply sequences of simple commands at the lowest level to fill them with life. We detail the possibilities of building programs and developing skills and techniques in programming. Interactive feedback of the executed program code helps to better understand the problem. Learners gain new knowledge based on their own observations and discoveries. Visualization for each phase of the problem solving greatly supports to gain the necessary skills and the learning process itself. The specific educational tools and applications presented in this article are beneficial to experiential teaching of informatics. The presented interactive learning activities, preferring the playful form of learning are in accordance with modern trends in education. | Keywords
algorithmic thinking, teaching programming, programmable robots, experience-based learning, gamification of learning process |