2023 » Papers » Volume 1 » Lack of Communication Skills among Engineering Students in the Post-pandemic Period - Why and How to Change that? 1. LACK OF COMMUNICATION SKILLS AMONG ENGINEERING STUDENTS IN THE POST-PANDEMIC PERIOD - WHY AND HOW TO CHANGE THAT? Authors: Muracova Natalja, PEINA Elina, TRANINA Marite Volume 1 | DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-23-023 | Pages: 258-268 | Download PDF | Abstract
The success of an engineer depends on a diverse skill set comprising technical and soft skills. Effective communication is crucial in the engineering field, as engineers must convey complex technical information to different stakeholders. Indeed, many engineering students and specialists still struggle with communication complexities and other soft skills, which can directly influence their career development and operation in the 'real world' environment. Increasing students' soft skills will allow them to eliminate internal and external barriers that interfere with their future career growth. For many engineering students, time is very valuable, and soft skill development can be left behind if it's not included in their curricula. As for development of effective communication skills, practice, feedback, and clear patterns will allow a person to feel more confident, increasing their overall performance and, in this case, willingness to share their technical knowledge with others in a clear, professional and efficient manner. This descriptive research studies the current state of the subject, aims to give a realistic description of the current situation in the post-pandemic period, studies and identifies effective strategies to improve engineering students' awareness of the communication skills as well as digital communication skills and train them to advance these essential skills as a means to adapt to a continuously fluctuating job market.The article employs a mixed-method approach, including results of student surveys, as well as literature review. | Keywords
Engineering students, Soft skills, Effective communication, digital communication |