2023 » Papers » Volume 1 » Post-pandemic Resilience and the Online Education Environment 1. POST-PANDEMIC RESILIENCE AND THE ONLINE EDUCATION ENVIRONMENT Authors: FARCA Speranta, GHEORGHE Oana Volume 1 | DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-23-018 | Pages: 202-212 | Download PDF | Abstract
Our work shows that in addition to its role in developing adaptability skills, education should also focus on building resilience. The shift in attitudes towards online learning by both teachers and students during the pandemic has highlighted this need. Prior to the pandemic, online learning was often ridiculed and not considered a serious option. However, during the pandemic, online education was successfully implemented at the university level. Post-pandemic, university education has developed a resilient attitude towards online learning, recognizing that it cannot return to its previous state and is now including it in the offering for students.
This article highlights the resilience shown in university education through the integration of online learning. It demonstrates how this environment serves as a healthy bridge between two periods (the pandemic era and the current era) and two generations (the professors' and the students'). Additionally, it shows how online learning complements traditional learning environments by providing access to informative materials, evaluations, and administrative tasks.
The data presented here is part of a larger study, "Post-pandemic Resilience of Students and Teachers in the University Environment" conducted by the Teachers Training Department from the National University of Arts, Bucharest (Farca, Speranta (coord), 2021-2023). The idea for this research originated from the difficulties we faced after returning to the classroom, as well as the need to maintain the best practices established during the 2020 pandemic. | Keywords
educational changes; teacher training; educational opportunities; online education; post-pandemic resilience; resilience in the student-teacher relationship. |