2023 » Papers » Volume 1 » KNOWLEDGE SHARING THROUGH INFORMAL COMMUNICATION 1. KNOWLEDGE SHARING THROUGH INFORMAL COMMUNICATION Authors: Tapuru (Busurca) Ilinca Volume 1 | DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-23-041 | Pages: 433-444 | Download PDF | Abstract
Informal communication can play a key role in knowledge sharing in higher education. Some ways in which informal communication can facilitate knowledge sharing include: - Building relationships: Informal communication can help build and maintain relationships among the academic community. These relationships can foster trust and collaboration, which can lead to more effective knowledge sharing. - Networking: Informal communication can also help build and expand professional networks, both within and outside of academia. This can provide access to a higher area of knowledge and expertise. - Casual conversations: Informal communication channels, such as email and instant messaging, can be used for casual conversations and discussions that can lead to new insights and ideas. - Sharing information: Informal communication can be used to share information and resources, such as research articles, conference presentations, and data sets. - Collaboration: Informal communication can also facilitate collaboration among researchers and faculty members, which can lead to the sharing of knowledge and expertise. - Social Media: Social media platforms can be used for informal communication and knowledge sharing, by sharing articles, research findings, and ideas among a broader community of scholars and experts. It is important thus to note that informal communication can be beneficial for knowledge sharing in academia. Informal communication can complement formal e-learning methods and enhance the learning experience for learners by facilitating knowledge sharing. | Keywords
knowledge sharing; informal communication; interaction; academia, e-learning |