2023 » Papers » Volume 2 » Estimation of the Effects of Using ChatGPT for Education Purposes in the Software Field 1. ESTIMATION OF THE EFFECTS OF USING CHATGPT FOR EDUCATION PURPOSES IN THE SOFTWARE FIELD Authors: Sonkin Vladimir, TIGANOAIA Bogdan, Tudose Catalin Volume 2 | DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-23-053 | Pages: 114-125 | Download PDF | Abstract
ChatGPT can be intensively used for education purposes in the software field and to significantly improve a developer's performance. It is generating prototypes and may allow the software developers to focus on more complicated things than writing boilerplate code. Acquiring programming skills may be strongly supported through ChatGPT, and will help both experienced senior developers that need to quickly start working with new technologies or frameworks and junior developers at the beginning of their career, whose focus is on the basics of programming and a particular programming language.
There is a big hype around ChatGPT technology, but this is still mostly hype. To get the benefits of Artificial Intelligence, we need to educate ourselves to start using it and applying it in everyday software development activity. This is not an easy task to do, because we are not trained to relying on the help of AI, and we need to experiment, learn and find concrete and useful use cases that we can learn from and then we can apply them to practice.
The article analyzes use cases of how ChatGPT can be used to educate ourselves for day-to-day software development. Also, it examines the impact and changes that AI will bring in education and in improving the activities and performances in various jobs creating or using the software. | Keywords
ChatGPT, Artificial Intelligence, education, software development, performance improvement |