2015 » Papers » Volume 1 » MILITARY EDUCATION AND TRAINING ON INFORMATION AGE. THE SMARTBOOK'S TOOL 1. MILITARY EDUCATION AND TRAINING ON INFORMATION AGE. THE SMARTBOOK'S TOOL Authors: Paunescu Marius Volume 1 | DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-15-070 | Pages: 476-482 | Download PDF | Abstract
The development of communications and especially the emergence of the internet have generated significant changes in terms of access and use of information. Since the unprecedented diversification and development of the information capabilities, the cyberspace has been accumulated a very high importance in the knowledge process of every domain. Due to these developments, nowadays the information doubles every five years and, in the future, the tempo is still increasing.
In this context, at the military organization level, these new developments stress the need to find different ways to put in practice the "need to know" and "information dominance" principles. The need for "the information dominance" requires reach and sound knowledge for a extensive number of people within an organization, while "the need to know" works in exactly the opposite way - restrict the number of people who have access to knowledge by classifying information.
Contemporary crisis responses and conflict prevention activities request to decision-makers to have the ability to find solutions in more responsive ways and with maximum flexibility and agility. All these qualities have to emerge from a comprehensive evaluation of information. In other words, today, there is less important for a military organization to concentrate effort to restrict access to information, but is decisive to ensure information availability for a better intelligence production which may create better premises for suitable results.
For the reason that in the era of knowledge, information sharing is more fruitfully for a military organization than information keeping, this study explores, in comparison, how USA and Romania have been adapting its information techniques to the contemporary era. | Keywords
smartbook, armed forces, doctrine, intelligence, Romania, USA |