Innovation in industry requires more than just creation of technology. It requires accelerated commercialization or aptly called go-to-market processes. To successfully accelerate, companies need a new type of product development, the so called validated learning process. Validated learning process systematically searches the fit between technology and market, by validating the mechanics of a business model. Validated learning consists of rapidly iterating between experiments, data collection, and informed decision making. Every company needs to implement its own version of the validated learning process, focused on its context and industry. In this paper we describe a cloud platform that will bring together several services and instruments that the companies usually rely on in their go-to-market process. The main contribution of this paper consists in the integration of several services in the platform, such as: awareness creation services, trainings, seminars, online courses, coaching and mentoring services, software tools that support specific parts of the acceleration process, services that provide access to data needed to speed up go-to-market, services to look for partners, project management tools.
The proposed platform will allow companies to bring their products to market faster and in a more successful manner, will be accessed via internet and will have to host the tools and virtual environments needed for the go-to-market accelerated process. The platform will be flexible enough to address the long working hours behind the sales, marketing, training, conferencing, product development activities that represent the usual go-to-market process. This will be achieved by developing a flexible loose coupled, n-tier architecture, easy to scale, capable to provide software as service. This type of architectural approach makes possible the addition of new software modules and services, without affecting the platform core functionalities. The software architecture will be backed-up by a high-availability hardware architecture that will be able to respond to the needs of the platform, being connected to the internet with a strong bandwidth. |