2015 » Papers » Volume 2 » TUTORING AND PSYCHOPEDAGOGICAL SUPPORT FOR STUDENTS IN LONG DISTANCE LEARNING 1. TUTORING AND PSYCHOPEDAGOGICAL SUPPORT FOR STUDENTS IN LONG DISTANCE LEARNING Authors: Almasan Beatrice, Alexe Maria Volume 2 | DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-15-170 | Pages: 518-525 | Download PDF | Abstract
This paper work has as a practical background the experience accumulated as tutors and mangers of the CREDIS - The Distance Learning Department of Bucharest University. Its aim is to present some best practices from this institution. The correlation and interaction between teaching-learning-assessment lead to a study, which submit to present the importance of the tutoring and psycho-pedagogical support to personal and professional developing of the students enrolled in long distance learning. The training activities, the teachers constant concern to provoke students interest, reasons and desires and the tutors role to touch up the students mental abilities and not only are important aspects concerning the department activity:
Distance learning system is an educational program which provides specific resources having clearly designed characteristics;
It is a programme in which neither students and academic staff, nor students and their peers do not have to stay together in order to develop an educational process. Communication among students and between students and tutors takes place through dual band communication channels, in virtual environment;
The application of the theory to practice and challenge the change of what exist in what should exist, are the undertakings by the tutors in long distance learning, it cancers, the students engagement in new experiences of learning. Throughout this process students need to have psychological support, stimulation, and guidance, improvement-developing of the educational process, research and innovation. The main research question refers to the importance of theoretical support and the balance between theory and best practices. Consequently the methodological approach refers to literature in the domain, empirical research as well as the design of the ideal profile of a group manager. The analysis is supported by a brief overview of CREDIS experience as examples for best practices.
By this study case we will disclose also the transition from education to self-education, from training to self-training, with the tutor being all this time the assistance for developing. | Keywords
tutor, psycho-pedagogical support, learning experience, training, personal and professional developing. |